• Vol_4_No_2_2020

Title : Socio-Economic Status of Households in Ywar Thit Kalay (Village: An Income Level Analysis)

Keyword : Socio-economic status, income level, population, educational level, occupation composition

Authors : Daw Wai Wai Kyaw 

Publication Date : 2020-08-01

Description :   This paper is concerned with the socio-economic status of households in Ywar Thit Kalay Village. This is a island village which situated in Kyauktan Townships, Yangon Region. The objective of the paper is to examine the overall socio-economic status by level of income of peoples in the study area. The main objective is to find out the influence factors of household in this village. The economy of this village mainly based on agriculture. From the study, it was founded that the per capita income level of households was gap. So, in this research paper an attempt has been made to find out the actual socio-economic status of population of different income groups of this village. The entire study is based on primary data which have been collected by simple random sampling with a suitable questionnaire. All the data have been classified into six income groups and simple percentage method is followed to analyze the actual situation. In the study area, it found that 71.15% of total sample population’s monthly per capita income is below Ks 100 thousands and only 0.96% population’s monthly per capita income is above Ks 500 thousands. Only few percentages of people enjoy little better life where most of the people lie in subsistence situation.   

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